
Game Idea #3: Cart dasher

Everybody's done it, pushing the shopping cart around you kick off and ride it down the aisle. The wild rush of adrenalin as your rickety cart rockets down the aisle. The constant thrill of narrowly avoiding running down the pedestrians. The inevitable point where you either stop or flip the cart trying. This is cart dashing. This is life.

The object of this game is to get your trolley up to maximum cruising speed without crashing. As you move you collect items to weigh down the cart, if it's too light it'll flip over. As you progress down the aisle you must avoid collisions with stock crates, the shopping elderly, and rival dashers.

An over the top view angled just above the cart would work best as used in countless racing games. This game would work be developed for the iPhone and controlled by tilting the screen in the direction you want the cart to move.

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