
Kana Kana Update

After correcting a few issues in the code, the basis for the game is finally ready. The player can now click on a letter and have it move in the direction they want it to. The pieces will move and gradually lose momentum. And each pair of letters is able to recognise when it has run into its partner. Now, I just need to add a menu and continued playability, but first an Art Pass.

Because my previous art style seemed a bit haphazard (and distracting), I have been advised to give the art style an overhaul before continuing. I am trying to give it a more Japanese feel by shaping the art around the game Go. Still have to adjust a few things, but I think that this approach is more suited to the game I am trying to make.

Not long now and I should have a nice little game to present (good thing too, time's almost up).

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