
Phase 2 complete

Yesterday marked the end of the second game development phase. Everyone had to present a build of their game and demonstrate where it is at. Everyone's games are turning out amazingly, come end of year we should have a good crop of fun titles for people to play around with.

The game I'm working on, Zombie, now has its first official build. Right now it's not much but a fancy point and stuff will happen kind of event(not to mention buggy as all Samhill), but at least it runs. On top of that my models are actually in this one. There is a copy of the build available here.

What happens, at the moment, is the player controls a group of 5 soldiers while 2 waves of Zombies charge them from both the bottom and top of the screen. The soldiers can kill 1 Zombie at a time but if the Zombies get to close the soldier will die. They can also build walls (that appear to be made entirely out of Twinkies) by placing a holder and moving over to it.

Now the major focus is on tweaking to find any bugs or places where sparkles (not literally) need to be added. So far I've found some pretty entertaining bugs which should be addressed shortly.

Here's a good one. Build a wall to close to the start point and the soldiers run past it and do their own thing (mainly skate around in circles):

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